General Cancer Symptoms include
Unexplained or prolonged fever.
Unexpected bruising.
Night sweats.
Unexplained pain.
Loss of appetite.
Unintentional loss of weight.
Unusual or recently noticed lumps.
Unexplained or prolonged fever
- This fever has no apparent cause and keeps returning or does not go away.
Other common causes of fever include:
Heat stroke.
Inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
Night sweats
- Very heavy night sweats can be a sign of cancer.
Other common causes of night sweats include:
Menopause (hot flushes).
Low blood sugar.
Drugs and alcohol abuse.
Loss of appetite
- Tumours can produce chemicals that reduce the appetite, or they can press on the intestinal system.
Other common causes of loss of appetite include:
Other conditions of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
Unintentional loss of weight
- Weight loss without a clear cause can be the first sign of cancer.
Other common causes of weight loss include:
Mental health diseases.
Bowel diseases like coeliac disease.
Overactive thyroid.
Unexpected bruising
- Recurrent large bruises with no apparent cause, particularly if they are dark and irregularly shaped, may be a sign of cancer.
Other common causes of bruising include:
Unnoticed injuries.
Medicines that stop the blood clotting like aspirin.
Unexplained pain
- If there is no clear cause for the pain and it is persistent and increasing, then it may be a sign of cancer.
Other common causes of pain include:
Spine and joint problems.
Psychological conditions like stress.
- Feeling tired all the time even after rest can be a sign of cancer.
Other common causes of fatigue include:
Poor sleeping habits.
Lack of exercise.
Thyroid gland problems.
Mental health issues like stress.
Unusual or recently noticed lumps
- Lumps related to cancer are usually hard and painless.
Other common causes of lumps include:
Skin tags.